Posted 5/04/2008
We have successfully finished updating our class library. From waking up and starting from around 10am until half past 8pm, the new library class has been completed. The IP issue has also been resolved so users can now post by IP. While these changes may seem unnoticeable at first, there has been a decrease in code by over 25%. These new libraries only effect server side services, and will not affect the overall look and appeal of the site. There are however several plans in the process of revamping the submission pages and decreasing the content by at least 50%. The new submission page update will be a major improvement on the tedious and semi error prone current system. Please be patient with our updates. The site is still in alpha production and nearing alpha-beta, which should hopefully be fully released by the end of this month. With this new updates several bugs have been discovered! Unicode usage should be limited at this time until we have fixed the database to allow longer strings. This is due to the Unicode encoding methods we are currently using, which take up excess database space. As well users who are having JavaScript issues will no longer have to worry with the newer updates as we attempt to rid of the majority of the JavaScript code and rely more heavily on server coding. In the final news, we are now going to begin the chat room update process. It may be done tonight, or not. Coding for 10 hour straights gets a bit tiring and I am in need of passing out for a short while. With all that said, please enjoy the site. You may now begin reporting errors once again. But do not report Unicode or cut string issues with post! These are currently being worked on. Thank you
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