Posted 7/10/2011
I've been debating for a long time on how to handle lists on the site. Right now the checklist system allows you to add anime to your lists that you seen all/some/none of. However the current system is getting old and doesn't offer much customization. The new list idea will have a lot more customization.

This is the idea!

You'll be able to go into your profile and create custom lists. You can give it a unique name and description and choose if it'll be private or public. You can then add anime or other items to the lists and share them with your friends or make them public! But here's the issue with lists! You can view your friend's list but you can't make changes. Well the idea is to create group lists!

Maybe you have an anime club at your school and want your members to be able to recommend anime series to watch. You can create a list called "West High Anime Club Suggestions." You'll be able to have everyone add series in your group to the list!

Now there will be a lot more customization and a lot of planning is needed. I wouldn't expect the idea to arrive real soon since the database still needs to be beefed up! And we need more active users before it's worthwhile. Until then the new lists system will likely be created to handle such an idea in the future.

Here's the proposed schedule so far:
- Create default lists. (Anime only so far)
- Once the profile page is completed start up plans for implementing custom lists.
- Create public lists page and "like" system.
- Once enough users are on the site create a friend system.
- Once friends is up and working make plans for group lists.

Overall this isn't going to happen anytime soon! For now static lists will be created. It'll be kind of what it is now, but will now be seen all, some, or want to see. The "none" option will be removed since there really is no reason to have it. Once that is done the rating system will be shifted over to a new database table and reworked.

These updates won't be until far into the future, but the preparation will be starting with the new databases. I'll also be making some changes to the comment system. 

Let me know your thoughts!
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