Posted 2/22/2011
The sites under going some basic maintenance again and some features may be down for a brief period. Like always it is unlikely you'll notice any changes. In other news the site is working towards redoing the video page again. There are several ideas. If any of these ideas goes through there will be a big overhaul of the video site, but until then you'll have to have patience. As well there is an idea of a video page for the mobile site as well.

In other news the mobile site is slowly growing little by little. As mentioned before comments and forum features will be included in the near future. The only difficult issue at this time is the ability to use the editor on the mobile site. Chances are posts will be plain text only. The only difficulty is editing posts in which several ideas are being thought out. As well as an update of the Android App is due, but again this application is phases out for the mobile site which will offer allot more features!

And there is some actual new content being worked on for improving the main site. This includes further editing features and working on the character pages more. The cast and crew database which is in production is being postponed to focus on fixing up the site more. Another thing being worked on is potential integration with other sites by offering widgets! Facebook integration is also in the air at this time and isn't expected to happen in the very near future. Like always feel free to email or comment to let us know what you want to see!

Good luck!

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