Posted 4/12/2013
It's been a week since the new titles for the Spring 2013 line out have come out. I normally take a week or two from working on features to add them myself, but I'd prefer to work on site features instead. In the next week or so I'll be adding a whole new line of shows to watch on the site once they're made available for embedding by Crunchyroll. However, I want to have the database entries for these series out ASAP!

Here's a link to the series I'll need added:

Scroll down to the New Simulcast Titles and add everything from that point onward. Use the same title that Crunchyroll uses unless you feel there is a better name. It's been a week so there should be a TON of high quality screenshots online for these series. Sadly, sometimes series will leave you guessing at the end of the first episode as to what the series is about. If you're completely lost at the end of the first episode, SKIP IT. Wait for the second episode to be released than add it. Right now quality is more important than quantity. 

This is a HUGE help since it allows me to spend a lot more time adding the features you have requested!

PS: Be careful using Wikipedia as a reference when familiarizing yourself with the synopsis since the site tends to have a lot of spoilers. I learned the hard why when adding Dusk maiden of Amnesia. Completely spoiled the series for myself.
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