Posted 4/30/2013
A small update this go around for blogs. I'll be adding a lot more in future updates but have been a bit busy this last week.
  • You can now navigate user blogs by date. Similar to other sites you'll be able to navigate and see what days the user has posted in the past.
  • The layout has been changed to match the newer profile pages. As a result blog widths have been reduce.
  • User blogs now have your name in the page title! More customization will come in the future to include blog names.
One of the biggest changes this go around was the layout changes. After careful consideration it was determined that the side bar on blogs was just too narrow. As well after doing some research of other blogging sites it was determined that the newer width of approx 676 pixels was actually higher than 90% of the blogs I researched. In fact most blogs only had a width of around 620 to 660 pixels. The advantage of a more narrow width is it also encourages bloggers to reduce the length of their blogs making it easier for users to read. This also encourages more readers.
I'll be making changes to blog search to reflex these changes as well as including the subscription service in the near future. Sorry for the lack of updates this last week! I'm going to attempt to make it up the best I can with my busy schedule.


PS: The calender layout will be changing to better match the blogs.
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