Posted 6/11/2011
Lately there's been a lot of work done to improve administrative functions for the new video page in development. It's a tedious process that requires some daily maintenance for the site. As a result a revamp of admin functions is underway. Sadly, this isn't one of the most fun updates for users since you won't see anything as a result of it. On the other side we'll actually have a better picture of everyone happening on the site!

If everything goes well with these updates you won't notice a single thing! The worst the project is over and right now the focus is getting back to adding content to the video page. Likely the video page will be released before the daily maintenance tools come into effect. This means the videos will not be "fresh" right from the start. So you won't get to see the latest episodes until the other require updates are done! But it's a great start to introduce the video page! I'm really hoping to have an update out in the coming week or two. Next week is father's day so I'm not sure how much work I'll be able to get done. Let's hope for the best!

Thanks as always!
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