Posted 8/06/2013
Evangelion helped me a lot during mine. It was the real first time why some people say so and so is not just a movie/show/comic.
 Cool we were both saved by Anime! Still my mind is damaged have you heard of my bunny-bat. And I know I'll love Evangelion as I love sci-fi, plot, and wonderful characters.

By... "TheAwsome"
 You'll be surprised. There's a reason it's considered one of the most controversial series of all time. This includes the manga which just ended.
 I see I myself believe Manga tends to be better or the same as it's Anime counter part. And you don't need to convince me I'm on episode 7. I find the characters intriguing and wish to learn what is going on their heads.

By.... "TheAwsome"
Wait till Asuka shows up! She turns the series upside down. Also things get real dark at ep. 14. That's when shit begins to go down. 
I wouldn't say I was depressed when I saw it. But it was at a time in my life when I wasn't sure where I was going. My brother originally got the series from a friend and was watching it on his computer. I watched the first few episodes dubbed. After that there was only subbed available online. I was so captivated I caved in and ended up watching it subtitled and at that point there was no turning back from anime.

Since then I've gotten the DVD box set and the movie. I also own the first two remakes on DVD. I will admit that there were times when I was very down and ended up watching the entire series. It does help you out a lot.
 Glad to see someone else had the same experience I did. 
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