Posted 4/30/2008
We have currently finished updating the news page. While these updates will not be visible to standard users upfront they will help maintain a more efficient method for updating the site. The comment features should be working fine right now, but we have been noticing some issues with .Net framework. At this time we are not working on debugging these issues until we have a better understanding. As stated before you can freely comment, but if you fail to see your comment after posting simply refresh the page. If asked to submit post data, please select cancel and select the article from the page before. Make sure to submit an error report in detail! Be sure to include your current browser along with what actions lead to the error. We do not need time of day or the date, since the information is automatically included with all post. This will help us out a lot in the future with fixing these errors. Thank you PS: We do plan on adding edit and delete features in the future, but at this time we do not offer any solutions for deleting post. If you urgently need to remove a post or alter content please contact an admin. We will be working on the contact page shortly! It should be up by the end of this week.
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