Posted 5/10/2008
We are still working on user sign up 3.0. We are very close to finishing this page, and it should be up by some time tomorrow if not, at the lastest the day after. This new page is very easy to navigate with a very clean interface. As well we will be introducing video help units throughout the site. These units will be small popups with inbound flash that will help users who hate to read and have the time to go through a brief walkthrough. To view the current video simply click video help at the top of the page. This will bring up the brief flash video on how to create a new account in the new sytem once it is launched. There will be a few other videos coming your way, but until then just enjoy the current video. Yes I already know I sound like your typical whiney programer, but hey it works. lol If you have any suggestions feel free to comment on this post, I will be viewing the comments time to time again, and I am looking for different alternatives to provide help on the site and increase security without having users jump through hoops and hurdles. Well hope you enjoy the site!
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