Posted 11/29/2013
You can now post your blogs to tumblr!
  • New tumblr option in privacy settings.
  • Ability to select which blog to post to.
  • Updated the blog page and editor.
  • New tumblr page with nothing on it!
  • Fixed OAuth library. (Should be fully functional now 
Blog fixes:
  • Blog editor should now use absolute links when using "in-site" links.
In order to use this feature you must first go to account settings and link your tumblr account. Once your account is linked you'll be able to go to privacy settings and select which blog to post to.

This feature should allow tumblr users to expand their audience by posting to both OtakuElite and Tumblr without having to choose. Your tumblr posts will include the same HTML formatting as on your blog so you shouldn't notice any changes. Depending on your tumblr design you may need to account for minor layout differences.

On a small note, the tumblr page for the site will be hosting the webmaster blogs done once a year. This may change in the future if I feel it's needed. Also! You won't be able to link multiple blogs to different accounts. Tumblr's API restricts access tokens to one per account. this means if you have multiple tumblr blogs you must choose only one. This is a limitation to Tumblr's API.

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