Posted 8/07/2013
Not sure if this is good but there is a light novel for "Baka to Test". I found the series very hilarious but as I think back to it there were many character development points I saw so the love came about the right way. Now I never read the Manga but from my experiences the Manga usually go deeper then the Anime and Light Novels go even deeper so I'd say it should be good hope this helps.

By... "TheAwsome"
 I agree. I'll add that right now. I aboslutely adore the humor in the light novel. This is definitely one of the better comedy reads I've had in a while. Definitely would recommend this to anyone wanting a good laugh and a great care free read.

Posted 8/07/2013
Oreimo and Baka have been added. Love these two series. Thanks a lot for bringing them up so I could add them. These are perfect examples of why light novels are so damn amazing.
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