Posted 6/08/2013
I remember going to my first Anime convention and boy I would have to say that the prices for the Anime or Manga are painful. Nothing I can afford at this age. As you know Manga and Anime are sold for heavy prices which make being an Otaku painful on your wallet sometimes.

How do you guys feel about these prices.

Posted by... "TheAwsome"

Posted 6/08/2013
I think my first convention costed me close to $500 by the time I paid for the hotel fees, tickets, merchandise, and boarding. The second time costed me a lot more since I did a small campaign for the site. Basically gave away 200 or so bags of swag in less than 10 minutes on a street corner in NYC. While it was fun, I learned online advertising is a heck of a lot cheaper for the return.
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